How to get here:
L'Osteria del Borgo is located on the Piazza Grande, the so-called 'Pearl of the Renaissance' in the highest part of Montepulciano.
The guests of the restaurant can park in the Fortress of Montepulciano car park to approach the Piazza Grande.
The guests of the B&B, being able to drive in the ZTL, can arrive with the car in front of our building, unload their luggage and leave the car in the parking lot in Piazza San Francesco, at approximately 100 meters from the property. We recommend setting the navigator to 'Fortress of Montepulciano'(Fortezza) and accessing the ZTL from the Via San Donato gate(Varco), 150 meters from the property, and then to continue towards the splendid Piazza Grande.
For info please call +390578716799
A1 Exit recommended:
From the North(Florence): Valdichiana (20min)
From the South(Rome): Chiusi-Chianciano Terme (20min)
Follow indications for Montepulciano
Train stations:
The main one and best connected is Chiusi-Chianciano Terme. Taxi cost approx 50-55 € one way(you can find plenty at the train station exit). Bus from the station to Montepulciano every hour, cost 3 € approximately, 55 minutes ride, stop is Montepulciano-Porta delle Farine
The closest one and poorer connected is Montepulciano Stazione: PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS STATION IS NOT IN TOWN BUT 5 MILES AWAY FROM THE CENTER, THEREFORE IT IS NOT WALKABLE. Taxi ride is approx 15-20€. Bus runs every 2 hours only in weekdays.
Email: osteriadelborgomontepulciano@gmail.com
B&B and Restaurant reservations & info: +39 0578 716799
E-commerce: www.perbaccomontepulciano.com
Wine Club: www.perbaccomontepulciano.com/wineclub
Facebook: Osteria del Borgo
Instagram: osteriadelborgomontepulciano